"Cant wait to see you"
As the days turn into weeks and weeks into months, I never expected to see any of my friends before I went back home in December. Whats nice about making new friends in college is that you quickly learn that you're not the only one with problems. Sometimes hearing other people's problems actually makes you feel better about yours. Some kids are harassed by parents calling every hour on the hour, while others are so homesick they make their parents fly out here to bring them some old blanket. Some kids miss their friends so much they cant stop complaining about how San Antonio sucks when they live like 2 hours away. Some kids are so over anxious to start new in college, you cant help but laugh at how nervous they are when a teacher calls on them. Whats also nice about your new friends is you learn from their mistakes and sometimes even a few new tricks to help cope with being gone. One of these nice tricks is something called "
skype" aka a video chat service. Many kids knew what it was before college, I just heard about it a few weeks ago and think I found a new toy.
Its insane the amount of free time we as students have, especially at the late hours of 12:30am on ward. Now when my roommate falls asleep, he usually is snoring, but I still feel
slightly rude opening and closing the door to make a phone call. Instead of doing that, I
usually just text or
messaging) because its much quieter and I can talk to more people. At the same time it cant get much less social than that, I could be talking to anyone who is holding the phone. My friends on the east coast are usually asleep and my friends on the west coast are still doing work. I almost gave up with
texting altogether, but this program "
skype' is the answer to my problems. With
"skype" I video chat with a bunch of different people and if I want, I can even put my friend from University of Penn and from University of Southern California together in the same place and talk to them both at the same time. Its not quite the same as actually being together, but its a lot closer when you actually see them. I see my girlfriend probably the most, but I can almost talk to anyone. Now I can see my girlfriend, which anyone who is in the midst of a long distant realize how amazinglying important this is. Its definitely a treat when I can see her, even if its over the internet. So many people at Trinity have it that in reality I can talk to my
suite mates in the room next to me if I like. I use it almost everyday and i love it. I recommend it to anyone who is long distant from any friend, any family, and any loved one.