Here is the final stretch of school before Thanksgiving break and there is nothing more exciting then knowing I am done. With almost being done and actually being able to come home is the issue that all the teachers are assigning projects and tests for this week. Even with the hours of studying that I am supposed to be doing, I still find time to slack off and talk to my friends. Now that we are so close to break, our main conversations consist of what we are going to be doing when we get home. Besides the family time, we are already setting aside our plans for Friday and Saturday night. These conversations help speed up these last few days as well as distract me from the work load I have. I can believe it is so soon, but I'm certainly glad it is. A few of my friends are going to be able to make the trip back, which sucks for all of us. As friends we all feed off of each other and very rarely are we found apart. I'm not sure how the group is going to act when we are missing key elements. I try and talk to everyone as much as possible, but I tend to spend extra time with these friends because I guess I miss them the most and wont be able to see them for a lot longer. Could always be worse thou, one of my friends is already traveling abroad and wont be back till May. Facebook will most likely be the only form of conversation between me and him for a while.
Lately I have been getting a lot of different gifts in the mail from both friends and family. I've realized the ease of the mail center at Trinity comes in handy when you need to pick up stuff. I also have been busy making packages for people at home. Sending mom some Trinity attire definitely gets me in good when I need cash. Ive sent my family an assortment of shirts, hats, jackets and other Trinity Gear. They cant get enough mugs or blankets that say Trinity for the house.