As the year goes on, I tend to forget what home looks like. I cant remember the feeling of my bed or even the smell of my mother's cooking. I've forgotten the taste of an In-N-Out burger and replaced it with the taste of a "Chicken Butter Biscuit" from WHATABURGER. Who knows how my house is looking at this moment. I've spent significant periods of time trying to think back to how my room looked when I left it and if it will look the same when I arrive home. I've even forgotten what Los Angeles weather is, but more importantly, I have forgotten what Los Angeles is.
Days are passing slower and slower now that we are almost done with first semester. All my friends are in the midst of midterms and research projects. Very few of them have time to talk on the phone, but it isn't too bad. I've been busy myself, football is getting tougher and tougher as we try to make a run to the playoffs. A good friend of mine is pledging to a frat at the University of Southern California. None of my friends have been able to get in touch with him for about a month. He returns texts and calls at 3 in the morning. He apologizes for being so busy during the day, but if he isnt in class he has to be somewhere for his pledge. It was getting frustrating because I know he cant be that busy, but then I received a call from him. He was on his way home at 4 in the morning his time from a frat function. He was calling me to give me an update on everything thats been happening, again apologize he has been so busy, and also find out how I have been. He told me how he barely gets 4-5 hours of sleep a night and that his grades have been suffering. He is used to getting straight A's in highschool to not passing a class. His parents want him to quit the frat, but with 2 weeks left in pledging he cant. He wont be able to call me again for a while because supposedly these next few days are going to be his busiest, combining frat stuff with midterms. Come Thanksgiving though, he promised he'd be able to hang out. It was kind of crazy imaging my friend doing his own thing and being too busy for the rest of us. It kind of hurt being replaced, but I guess I'm doing the same thing here.
The other friends have been doing their own things, some playing sports, others getting involved in frats, and some just making new friends. Its impossible to talk to everyone everyday, but its impossible not to talk to anyone while your gone. Its obvious that we are all busy, but not so busy to never talk.
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